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Vitamin D deficiency can negatively impact the success rate of dental implants in several ways:

Reduced osseointegration

Reduced osseointegration

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in bone metabolism and formation. Low levels of Vitamin D can impair the process of osseointegration, which is essential for implant stability.

Increased risk of implant failure

Increased risk of implant failure

Studies show Vitamin D deficiency is linked to higher early dental implant failure. One study found an 11.1% failure rate in those with severe deficiency, while another study showed up to 300% higher failure rates in deficient patients.

Compromised bone healing

Compromised bone healing

Inadequate Vitamin D status can compromise osseous healing in the oral cavity, which is crucial for implant success.

Increased marginal bone loss

Increased marginal bone loss

A retrospective study showed a significant positive effect of Vitamin D on reducing marginal bone loss around dental implants.

Impaired immune function

Impaired immune function

Vitamin D plays a role in immune system modulation, which can affect the body's ability to fight infections and inflammation around the implant site.

Reduced bone density

Reduced bone density

Low levels of Vitamin D can negatively impact the density of bone in contact with the dental implant surface.

Vitamin D and Dental Implants - Articles

Here is a list of literature from the past 15 years showing associations between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of dental implant failure:

GuidoMangano F, Ghertasi Oskouei S, Paz A, Mangano N, Mangano C. Low serum vitamin Dand early dental implant failure: Is there a connection? A retrospectiveclinical study on 1740 implants placed in 885 patients. J Dent Res Dent ClinDent Prospects. 2018 Summer;12(3):174-182
The researchers investigate the relationship between low serum vitamin D levels and early dental implant failure. This retrospective clinical study analyzed data from 885 patients who received a total of 1740 dental implants. Within its limitations (retrospective design, low number of patients with severe blood levels of vitamin D enrolled), this study failed to demonstrate a significant relationship between low serum levels of vitamin D and increased risk of EDIF. However, since a dramatic increase in EDIFs with lowering of vitamin D levels in the blood has been reported, further clinical studies with appropriate design (prospective or randomized controlled studies on a larger sample of severely deficient patients) are needed to better investigate this topic. Full Article
FretwurstT, Grunert S, Woelber JP, Nelson K, Semper-Hogg W. Vitamin D deficiency inearly implant failure: two case reports. Int J Implant Dent. 2016 Dec;2(1):24.
Both patients experienced implant failure shortly after placement, with the authors noting a possible connection between their low vitamin D levels and the poor healing outcomes. The paper discusses the importance of adequate vitamin D for bone health and osseointegration, suggesting that deficiency could impair implant stability and increase the risk of failure. The authors recommend assessing vitamin D levels in patients undergoing implant procedures and addressing any deficiencies to improve the success rates of dental implants. Full Article
BryceG, MacBeth N. Vitamin D deficiency as a suspected causative factor in thefailure of an immediately placed dental implant: a case report. J R Nav MedServ. 2014;100(3):328-32.                                                         
It presents a case where a patient experienced failure of a dental implant that was placed immediately after tooth extraction. The authors suggest that vitamin D deficiency may have played a significant role in the failure of the implant. The patient’s low vitamin D levels were identified as a possible contributing factor to inadequate osseointegration, leading to implant failure. The paper emphasizes the importance of assessing vitamin D levels before and after implant placement to ensure optimal healing and successful osseointegration. The authors call for further research to confirm the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and implant failure. Full Article
ChoukrounJ, Khoury G, Khoury F, Russe P, Testori T, Komiyama Y, Sammartino G, Palacci P,Tunali M, Choukroun E. Two neglected biologic risk factors in bone grafting andimplantology: high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and low serum vitamin D.J Oral Implantol. 2014 Feb;40(1):110-4.  
The study explores the impact of two overlooked biological factors-high low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and low serum vitamin D—on bone grafting and dental implant success. The authors discuss how elevated LDL cholesterol and insufficient vitamin D levels can negatively affect bone healing, osseointegration, and overall implant stability. They emphasize that these factors should be considered in the clinical management of patients undergoing implant procedures, as both high LDL and low vitamin D are associated with poorer outcomes. The paper advocates for the routine assessment and management of these risk factors to improve the success rates of bone grafts and dental implants. Full Article
Schulze-SpäteU, Dietrich T, Wu C, Wang K, Hasturk H, Dibart S. Systemic vitamin Dsupplementation and local bone formation after maxillary sinus augmentation - arandomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical investigation. Clin OralImplants Res. 2016 Jun;27(6):701-6.                                             
The study examines the effect of systemic vitamin D supplementation on bone formation following maxillary sinus augmentation. In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the authors assessed whether vitamin D supplementation could enhance local bone formation in patients undergoing this procedure. The study found that patients who received vitamin D supplementation showed improved bone regeneration compared to those who received a placebo. The results suggest that systemic vitamin D may play a beneficial role in supporting bone healing and regeneration after sinus augmentation, potentially improving the success of implant placement in the maxillary region. Full Article
Buzatu,B. L. R., Buzatu, R., & Luca, M. M. (2024). Impact of Vitamin D onOsseointegration in Dental Implants: A Systematic Review of Human Studies. Nutrients,16(2).                                                                                                   
This systematic review examines the impact of vitamin D on the osseointegration process of dental implants, focusing on human studies. Osseointegration is a critical factor in the long-term success of dental implants, as it refers to the process by which the implant fuses with the jawbone. The review synthesizes evidence from multiple studies to understand the role of vitamin D in enhancing osseointegration. The authors discuss the potential mechanisms by which vitamin D influences bone metabolism and healing, suggesting that sufficient levels of vitamin D may promote better integration of dental implants. Despite varying results across studies, the paper highlights the importance of adequate vitamin D levels for improving implant success rates and suggests the need for further research to establish clear clinical guidelines for vitamin D supplementation in dental implant procedures. Full Article

Vitamin D and Periodontal disease - Articles

Here is a list of literature from the past 15 years showing associations between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of periodontal disease:

Shah M, Poojari M, Nadig P, Kakkad D, Dutta SB, Sinha S, Chowdhury K, Dagli N, Haque M, Kumar S. Vitamin D and Periodontal Health: A Systematic Review. Cureus. 2023 Oct 26;15(10):e47773.                                                                
The review highlights the critical functions of vitamin D in supporting oral health, focusing on its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It discusses how vitamin D deficiency is linked to an increased risk of periodontal diseases, including gingivitis and periodontitis. The paper also emphasizes that vitamin D helps regulate immune responses, enhances the defense against pathogens, and may improve the overall healing process of periodontal tissues. The review concludes that adequate vitamin D levels are essential for maintaining periodontal health and reducing the risk of periodontal diseases. Full Article
Lu EM. The role of vitamin D in periodontal health and disease. J Periodontal Res. 2023 Apr;58(2):213-224.                                                             
The review highlights how vitamin D regulates immune responses, modulates inflammation, and impacts bone metabolism, all of which are critical factors in periodontal health. It discusses the role of vitamin D in reducing the risk and severity of periodontal disease through its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. The paper also reviews clinical evidence linking vitamin D deficiency to an increased susceptibility to periodontal diseases, suggesting that maintaining adequate vitamin D levels may contribute to improved periodontal health and disease prevention. Full Article
Bonnet C, Rabbani R, Moffatt MEK, Kelekis-Cholakis A, Schroth RJ. The Relation Between Periodontal Disease and Vitamin D. J Can Dent Assoc. 2019;85: j4.
The researchers investigate the relationship between 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentration and periodontal disease using data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey. The study analyzes how serum vitamin D levels correlate with the presence and severity of periodontal disease. The findings suggest that lower levels of 25(OH)D are associated with an increased risk of periodontal disease, supporting the idea that vitamin D may play a protective role in oral health. The study emphasizes the potential benefits of maintaining adequate vitamin D levels for preventing or managing periodontal disease. Full Article
Dietrich T, Joshipura KJ, Dawson-Hughes B, Bischoff-Ferrari HA. Association between serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and periodontal disease in the US population. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Jul;80(1):108-13.
It is one of the first large cross-sectional studies to explore the link between low vitamin D levels and periodontal disease. The study found that lower serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) were associated with increased markers of periodontal disease, including clinical attachment loss and gum inflammation. The findings suggest that vitamin D deficiency may be a significant risk factor for the development and progression of periodontal disease, highlighting the potential importance of maintaining adequate vitamin D levels for oral health. Full Article
Perić M, Cavalier E, Toma S, Lasserre JF. Serum vitamin D levels and chronic periodontitis in adult, Caucasian population—a systematic review. J Periodontal Res. 2018 Oct;53(5):645-656.                                                                         
It reviews the relationship between serum vitamin D levels and chronic periodontitis in an adult Caucasian population. The study systematically examines existing literature to assess whether low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk or severity of chronic periodontitis. The review concludes that while there is evidence suggesting an association between lower vitamin D levels and chronic periodontitis, the results are inconsistent across studies. It highlights the need for further well-controlled studies to determine the role of vitamin D in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. Full Article
Assaf, M., & Aboelsaad, N. (2019). The Effectiveness of Vitamin D Supplementation in Chronic Periodontitis Patients: a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Egyptian Dental Journal, 65(2), 1311-1321.                                               
This double-blind, randomized controlled trial evaluated the clinical effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment in middle-aged, vitamin D-deficient patients with chronic periodontitis. Both groups showed significant improvements in periodontal measures, but the test group demonstrated statistically greater improvements across all periodontal indices compared to the control group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, vitamin D supplementation significantly enhanced clinical outcomes in patients with mild to moderate chronic periodontitis when combined with scaling and root planting, without side effects. These findings suggest that vitamin D supplementation could be a cost-effective adjunct to conventional periodontal treatment. Full Article
Machado, V., Lobo, S., Proença, L., Mendes, J. J., & Botelho, J. (2020). Vitamin D and Periodontitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients, 12(8), 2177.
This systematic review and meta-analysis assessed the relationship between vitamin D levels and the risk of periodontitis by analyzing 11 studies published up to 2020. The findings indicate that low serum vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of periodontitis, with a significant negative relationship between vitamin D deficiency and periodontal health. While vitamin D supplementation showed potential in improving periodontal outcomes, the evidence on its direct impact was inconsistent across studies. In conclusion, vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the development and progression of periodontitis. The authors highlight the need for further well-designed randomized controlled trials to confirm the benefits of supplementation and emphasize the importance of addressing vitamin D deficiency in periodontal disease prevention and management. Full Article

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